Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Hiatus

This past semester has been rough for us at FSU CGS but we will be an official RSO once again very soon. For now it is almost finals week with summer break after that. 8) So don't procrastinate in studying good luck on all your exams and have a safe summer break. A new batch of CGSers in the fall will make the club the best that it can be.

If you are looking for more information visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23105424683. If that doesn't work search FSU Campus Girl Scouts.

~Amanda Camp

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's a New Year!

Hey Everyone,

Another Fall semester is upon us. So our first meeting was a get to know you and get your ideas for what to do this year meeting. We got a ton of good ideas and now we are deciding when to put them into motion.

For those of you who want to join in all the fun look us up on Facebook under "FSU Campus Girl Scout."

I know this year is going to be fantastic. We can't wait for all of the festivities and we can't wait for you to join us.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spring Semester has begun!

Hey Everyone!

Spring semester with CGS is well under way! In January, we had two General Body Meetings with great turn out! We had fun doing some icebreakers and talked about how CGS members can get involved. Also, our Breathe Journey program kicked off a few weeks ago! It's first meeting was held at Faith Community Church and we had 4 girls, so it's going to be a tight-knit group! Last Wednesday, Breathe Journey came to FSU and talked to an engineer about this awesome new "green" house. The girls and all the CGS members who came really enjoyed it and learned a lot that day. This Saturday, Breathe Journey is going to Ochlocknee State Park for a funfilled day learning about the environment in the beautiful outdoors. Next weekend is the Run for the Cookies 5K and CGS members will be coming out very early to support all the runners. At the end of this month, our very own CGS will be holding a Statewide Conference for UNF CGS, FAMU CGS, and various other schools or students interested in starting CGS or learning more. It should be a fun weekend and our CGS eboard is already diligently planning for this awesome first ever event! In March, we have our annual Legislative Days coming up and we're in the planning stages of holding a College 101 Event for rising high school juniors and seniors to tell them the do's and don'ts about college and even shadowing an FSU student for a day! Then our last events in April will be planning a Daisy Tea Party and having a team at the Relay for Life. Our Relay for Life is still raising funds to be able to run at the event, so spread the word for support! And we're wrapping up the semester with a banquet before exams to celebrate what an awesome year we had. More updates throughout the semester so stay tuned :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

General Body Meeting 10/5- Minutes!

Hey Everyone! Here's the rundown on what's been going on in CGS and what was discussed at the last meeting. Enjoy! :)

-First, everyone who attended the CGS Retreat and FIt's Inn Dance shared their experiences. General Consensus: We had a blast at the retreat getting to know members more, minus the banana spiders we encountered in the woods! We had 16 girls attend the Fit's Inn Dance and everyone agreed it was so much fun :)

-Our next Fit's Inn is coming up on Saturday October 17th, which is Field Day. It's from 12:00-2:00pm on Landis and we would love all the help we can get! Fit's Inn Field Day is all about getting the girls excited to be active and to stay healthy. I've heard that there's going to be water balloon fights and some kind of relay and Australian baseball! Also, any boys you know are very welcome to come to this event and volunteer to help out!

-On Friday October 23rd our Night of Mystery is coming up! It's a lock-in we are putting on for middle school and high school girls--we have 50 girls coming so we will need tons of help! The lock-in is based around a murder mystery theme where will be playing fun games, doing crafts, watching Clue, and doing other fun things. The lock-in will be held at the All Seasons Camp and we are meeting to carpool at 6pm by the Integration Statue. Eat dinner before you come to the lock-in!

-After the meeting, committees for Field Day and Night of Mystery met up to brainstorm. So far, we have wonderful things planned for both events!

-We've been interested in getting T-shirts made for CGS, but we definitely need some ideas...so if you are creative please email or FB Cassie, our VP or Lizzie, our president, if you have any ideas!

-CGS dues are $5. Please bring them ASAP! Also, we encourage everyone to register as a girl scout for insurance purposes, etc. Dues for that are $12 and there will be forms available at Field Day for anyone who has not yet registered.

-We are tabling at the Union on October 21 to try and recruit new members to our club. It's from 9:30-1 and we can use all the help we can get! If you happen to have a free half hour in that time period, please email me to sign up!

-On October 23rd which is also the same day as the Night of Mystery event, we are having a New Members Meeting at 5pm in Union 311D. So if you haven't made it out to a meeting yet and are interested in knowing more about CGS this is the meeting for you! Encourage friends and guys to come out! It will be only half an hour to recap what we've done so far, what our purpose is, and just to get everyone excited about CGS!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Tonight's meeting was a great start to the year. We had 15 new members come to join and we had many members e-mailing us to get information about the group!!! We are so excited and can't wait to start working with the girls this coming month! Here are some of the events we will be hosting or volunteering at this year:

FSU Campus Girl Scouts Retreat
Fit's Inn: DANCE!!
The aMAZing Journey
Fit's Inn: FIELD DAY!!
A Night of Mystery
Women of Distinction
Fit's Inn: HIKE!!
Fit's Inn: Yoga and Healthy Living
Run for the Cookies
Fit's Inn: Team Sports!!
Campus Girl Scouts of Florida Statewide Conference
Girl Scout Legislative Days
College 101
Relay for Life

We are doing a lot, but that only means we'll have a lot of fun! Can't wait to see everyone, get involved, and begin making a difference in girls' lives!!

Let the Year Begin!!!

Over the past week, the eBoard of FSU Campus Girl Scouts has put a lot of effort into recruiting members and making FSU Campus Girl Scouts KNOWN on campus. We are so excited that today is our kickoff meeting for Fall 2009!

After meeting a lot of our new members and finding out about the passion and hopes of current members I can say without a doubt that this year will be amazing!!! We have a lot planned with the Fit's Inn programs, A Night of Mystery, Women of Distincition, Run for the Cookies, Legislative Days, College 101, Relay for Life, and the first ever statewide conference for Campus Girl Scouts of Florida, but we can't wait.

Can't wait to see everyone today and let's make this year the best yet!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This past Sunday was the Seminole Sensation Week Involvement Fair!!! It was great getting together with all of the FSU Campus Girl Scout Board to promote FSU Campus Girl Scouts and be a part of the FSU community. We are very proud to announce that over 25 students at FSU signed up to become members of FSU Campus Girl Scouts and 7 student organizations gave us their information because they want to make an impact in the lives of Girl Scouts!!!

This year is going to be amazing!!!